"Hanya - The Path"
About the collection:
Remembering the zinc fences around Ali’s childhood neighbourhood. Peering through the cracks of a fence, looking at the outside world. Glimpses of what’s beyond the familiar.
Illustrations of Hands reaching out are reworked into a knitted pattern, to symbolise connections made, friendships extended.
Colours are drawn from the intricate shades of oxidized zinc and metal.
There’s a futuristic readiness in the oversized coats that makes it seem as if the wearer is ready to take on an epic journey beyond.
Typical Mai Gidah details are reworked to become almost unnoticeable.
Wearability and interchangeability are focus points for the Autumn-Winter ‘23 collection.
At the same time the collection is researching and questioning where the ego and the society start and how ego shapes the world around us.

Get in touch at info@mysite.com